C3i is supporting the development of a lymphoma registry, with HMR and Dr Isabelle Fleury
The Center for Commercialization of Cancer Immunotherapy (C3i) is proud to announce a partnership with Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont (HMR) and Dr. Isabelle Fleury, Hematologist and Medical Oncologist at HMR, to support the development of a Lymphoma Registry.
One of the most important objective of C3i is to make cancer immunotherapies available to Canadian patients. This is why we are investing in studies that could better identify the unmet medical needs of patients. Real World Evidence (RWE) studies has been recently recognized by FDA to provide crucial information about patient’s needs, facilitate clinical research, access to therapy and ultimately support reimbursement by their party payer.
The C3i is proud to announce a partnership with HMR (CIUSSS de l’Est-de-l’Île-de-Montréal) and Dr. Isabelle Fleury, Hematologist and Medical Oncologist at HMR to support the constitution of a state of the art Lymphoma Registry. This registry will be the basis to conduct RWE studies in lymphoproliferative disorders in order to capture specific clinical patterns and provide unique insight in the outcomes of patients treated outside of clinical trials. This project is made possible through the support of Merck Canada, Seattle Genetics Inc. and other partners.
We thank Dr. Fleury for her exceptional involvement in this registry, HMR and our partners for participating in this important initiative that will help improving the care of the patients.